WWe want to prevent the emergence of plastic waste mountains and the pollution of the oceans by plastic waste.
Plastic4Good is the solution.
The environment can be effectively protected and, at the same time, new income opportunities created that will reduce poverty in the long term.
Our Activities:
1. Raise awareness of the problem and train the environmental, future and individual impact of the wild disposal or burning of plastic waste. Communicate the potential of plastic waste as a valuable and raw material.
2. Establishment of a collection infrastructure and construction of collection stations for plastic waste.
Helping to build up groups (community groups, self help groups, churches, schools, youth groups, etc.) where the population releases the plastic. Training the groups so that the plastic is sorted, cleaned and roughly shredded there. Business training is also part of the training so that each individual group can finance itself.
3. Use of plastic
The model does not work if nobody is interested in the recycled plastic and thus the costs and purchase prices are not covered. As long as fresh plastic from the factories remains so cheap and the expense of processing and transportation is too high for recycled plastic, unfortunately no one is interested in the plastic due to the lack of economy. Without selling the plastic, there is no added value and, accordingly, no new income. As a result, there is no incentive to collect plastic waste for the population and there would be no impact. If no one is interested in recycled plastic, the only true solution is to process the plastic waste yourself and use it to produce products that are actually needed and bought.
This not only has the advantage that we can guarantee fair purchase prices, but also high-quality jobs, innovation and development. At the same time, the CO2 footprint is minimized, since there are no long transport routes for the plastic.
Our association chairman Andreas developed the start-up Smart Wood. Smart Wood is the solution to maximize the value of plastic waste. Smart Wood is a new material consisting of the plant waste from farmers and plastic waste and is more or less a technically manufactured timber.
The plastic serves:
as an adhesive to bond the fibers together and this creates a technically manufactured wood.
as protection, as this protects the fibers from insects and weather and therefore does not rot
and allows the shape, as the plastic melts when heat is applied and can be molded into any conceivable product.
The plant fibers create typical wood properties such as appearance and processing.
With this technical wood, the start-up is Manufacture building materials that are urgently needed by the steadily growing population. At the same time, this reduces the pressure on lumber and thus also protects the important forests from being cut down.
With Plastic4Good we can help to achieve 10 UN sustainability goals!
If you would like to support us financially in order to be able to work with us on site, we are very grateful.
Just write in the purpose that you want to support the project
Growing Seeds of Africa
Sparkasse Celle
IBAN: DE62 2575 0001 0091 8819 61
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Or donate via the donation platform "betterplace" in the form below.