
We operate in the beautiful Kenya in East Africa. Kenya is a beautiful country with very hospitable people. This is home to the world-famous Maasai and has numerous national parks in which many large African animals and all their splendor can be observed. With almost 50 million inhabitants and an annual population growth rate of 2.6%, the unemployment rate is an incredible 39%. Despite rising wages, the high unemployment rate is largely responsible for the continuing high levels of poverty in Kenya. Kenya's economy lives mainly from agriculture, tea export, flower exports and tourism.


 Our projects are situated in the western side of the country, near the border with Uganda and at the foot of the  Mt. Elgon. This region is the country's bread basket. The climatic conditions and the nutrient-rich soils allow profitable agriculture here. We are based in the town of Kitale, the capital of the county of Trans Nzoia with a population of approximately 350,000.


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Western Kenya at large has a population  of 10 million most of whom work in the agricultural sector that produces food for more than 50 million people.